Brand new website!

You don’t need to read any further to understand where this post is going.

If you’re reading this, it is pretty obvious you already realized I have a…. yes? a what? sorry, were you saying something? Oh yes…
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Wish You Could Hear – Behind the Scenes

The Early Demo

“When the original early demo was released, back then in 2011, the concept was to create a short progressive minisuite with three distinctive sections”, Andres says. “Back then, we knew the real track would be a lot longer, but we weren’t considering it to be an orchestral / classical piece. Colin and I were going for a 70s sound: No orchestra, but lots of Mellotron and old synth sounds. In hindsight, it sounds pretty awful.”

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“Wotan” and other projects

Hey! Long time no see!

It seems to be a custom of mine to apologize for my long absences from the blogosphere, but most of the time I got good reasons for leaving and good reasons for coming back!

The reason I keep leaving is, for the most part, being busy. Good busy, though. As a musician, keep oneself busy is one of the most important things one can (and should) do.

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Vacation time!!

7 years.

My first vacations in 7 years.

Yes, I know, 7 years is a long time, and a time-off is needed. But when you work freelance like I do, sometimes taking time off isn’t so easy. Absolutely necessary, but not so easy (damn, tell ME about it!)
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“Return to Mingulay” by AJB’s Oceans 5

‘Return to Mingulay’.

What an album.

I feel like I’m being a little biased towards it, considering I was involved in its creation. On the other hand, I think I can objective about the album as a whole. Some may not consider it strictly prog. And they’d be right. It is not. It’s not prog folk either. Read more

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