When technology attacks

Well well hello you! I missed you and I know you missed me (Oh hi Mom).

I know, it’s been three weeks with no blog entries. You must be thinking “But Andres! You said you were going to blog once a week! Every Wednesday! It’s been three Wednesdays! Where’s the blog entry!?”

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Being a first time uncle

Yes, I’m a first-time uncle.

It is rather recent, but no that much. It was a process completely unfamiliar for me, but I’m gradually becoming good at it. Step by step. Just like in everything.

Let’s start with the proper introduction: His name is Roman Ariel Garrido.
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Mid-week shenanigans!

Hey hey hey! Long time no see!

Yes, I know. I’ve been quite absent. I know it and I apologize. Not my intention. But as Daiana said in last week’s post entry, I’ve been really, really busy. With what you may ask? No, you probably didn’t ask, but I’ll tell you anyway. Read more

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Daiana takes charge!

Andres is REALLY busy at the moment, so I decided to help him with today’s blog entry. (Footnote, I just cut my tongue real bad with a honey toffee and it bleeds… a lot… ‘kay, I’m fine, still alive)

I don’t know what I could say about myself that could be of interest to you, so I’ll just tell a short, funny story… or at least, I’m trying real hard to see the humour in it. Thing is, a certain cat is trying to steal my boyfriend.
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Obsessed with Game of Thrones

Yep… happened to me like it happened to everyone else. I’m completely and absolutely obsessed with Game of Thrones.

I thought I’d be able to resist its spell, but like everyone, I fell under its charm, and now there’s no coming back. I wanted to wait (just like I did with Lost) for the series to end, avoiding anyone who could spoil it for me (I hate spoilers), and then and only then, watch it quietly. But that’s something I couldn’t do with GoT.

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